Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Riding the B.U.S.

Or in this case the train, but it's all the same anyway.

You see, there comes a time in a man's life ( or woman's life, sometimes a child's life and perhaps even a well trained monkey's life) where you decide to make something of yourself. For me this time has come.

I've decided that I need to be rich, to distinguish myself from the rest of humanity through something meaningful. Sure there's other ways to be distinguished, but I feel the presidency to soiled for my tastes. So I'm thinking of ways to get money, lots of money, enough for a stable living environment or some peace of mind. Not too much money mind you, just enough to get off the train.

So far all I have is the first space McDonalds, and even then I'll have to give over some royalties or franchise fees. But I am working on a space mcnugget recipe to beat the gravitational sickness brought on to unprepared space tourists. And I think McDonalds will bite, they already have a paddle boat McDonalds here on earth, why not a starship McDonalds?

1 comment:

carson said...

I want a McSpace Burger!